Friday, September 17, 2010


These are my initial compositions for the typography work in the Industrial Evolution book.  Each of these compositions was done completely analog using the computer to only print out strips of the word for me to cut out and manipulate.  Then once the type work was done I used the copier to make a duplicate which was glue and tape free, and looked much cleaner then the hand crafted ones.  On the first stress composition I also used transparency paper to overlay the words rather then trying to cut each of them out perfect.  These will be refined (soon) and trimmed down to the final 9, then copied to transparency paper to overlay on the dot compositions I am working on in Visual Communications.  Then wire bond into a book.  For the cover I will be using a very thin piece of aluminum sheet metal with a nice finish, and possibly stenciling or embossing the title. Much of the final work and documentation will probably be posted after completion because of time constraints.

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